Beautiful rainbow over the Island of Vagar, Faroe islands
Puffins hanging out at a cliff On the Island of Mykines, The Faroe Islands
Trælanípa (slave cliff) On The Island of Vagar in The Faroe Islands
Múlafossur - A gorgeous waterfall that is falling into the ocean
Near the village of Gasadalur, On Vagar island in the Faroe islands
Bøsdalafossur waterfall On the island of Vagar in the Faroe Islands
An epic lookout of the fjords From Funningur, on the island of Eysturoy in the Faroe Islands
A small cute hut near a stream
On our way to Saksun, Island of Streymoy in the Faroe Island
The photo edited with Orange - Teal technique
Puffins showing of the fish that they caught
Island of Mykines, Faroe Island
Don't give me that look...
On the island of Mykines, Faroe Island
Dramatic sunset on our way to Funningur
On the island of Eysturoy, Faroe Island
Wonderful sunset between the fjords
On the Island of Eysturoy, Faroe Islands
Another View of Trælanípa (slave cliff)
On the island of Vagar, Faroe Islands
The changing of the guards ceremony
Copenhagen, Denmark
A police officer in the changing of the guards ceremony
Copenhagen, Denmark
Lovely waterfall in the town of Bøur
On the island of Vagar, Faroe Islands
A couple on the Rundetårn
Copenhagen, Denmark
Aquaculture off the island of Vagar
Faroe Islands
Mother nature is angry
On the Island of Mykines, Faroe Islands
Trøllkonufingur, (witch's finger)
In the Island of Vagar, Faroe Islands
Rosenborg Castle
Copenhagen, Denmark
Traditional chruch near a new church in the village of Bøur
On the island of Vagar, Faroe Islands
Incredible cliff in Mykines
Faroe Islands
Random waterfall in Vestmanna, island of Streymoy, Faroe Islands
A sheep on the Island of Mykines, Faroe Islands
Dramatic sunset between the fjords on the island of Eysturoy, Faroe Islands
A man on a bike in Copenhagen, Denmark
Port of Sørvágur, Island of Vagar, Faroe Islands
Cute hut on Streymoy, Faroe Islands
Flag of the Faroe Islands
Spectacular cliffs on the Island of Mykines, Faroe Islands
Hotel Kong Arthur, Copenhagen Denmark
On our way to nowhere
Hotel Kong Arthur, Copenhagen Denmark